(76) Beautiful Europe. Now vote for Europe!
Today / aujourd'hui / heute: The highlights – les moments fort – die besten Momente
The campaign “Beautiful Europe. Vote on May 26!” has been a wonderful experience. More than 70 MEPs from 18 countries have contributed to this campaign which has been shared all over Europe. We tried to be as democratic as possible, including also politicians from the extreme right-wing into this campaign, such as Jörg Meuthen (AfD) or Hans-Olaf Henkel (former AfD) who was the only MEP to explain why people should NOT vote on May 26… President Tajani contributed as well as several vice-presidents, heads of the political groups and even the youngest MEP gave us reasons why people should vote on May 26. The exhibition of ALL contributions and a selection of the finest photographs by Frantisek Zvardon at the Open Day in the European Parliament on May 19 was the culminating point of this campaign, and we plan to have this exhibition travel across Europe after the election. Tomorrow, we will publish the complete list of all contributing MEPs, together with the links pointing on their contributions.
Frantisek Zvardon and Eurojournalist(e) represent the European citizens in this campaign
La campagne « Beautiful Europe. Vote on May 26! » a été une expérience merveilleuse. Plus de 70 eurodéputé.e.s de 18 pays ont contribué à cette campagne qui a été partagée partout en Europe. Nous nous sommes efforcés à être le plus démocratiques possible, incluant même des politiques de l’extrême-droite dans cette campagne, comme Jörg Meuthen (AfD) ou Hans-Olaf Henkel (ancien AfD) qui lui, était le seul eurodéputé qui nous a expliqué pourquoi les gens ne devraient PAS voter le 26 mai… Président Tajani a contribué, tout comme plusieurs vice-présidents, les chefs des groupes politiques au Parlement et même le plus jeune eurodéputé de cette mandature nous a donné des raisons pourquoi les gens devraient effectivement voter le 26 mai. L’exposition de l’intégralité des contributions et d’une sélection des plus belles photos de Frantisek Zvardon lors de la Journée Portes Ouvertes au Parlement Européen le 19 Mai aura été le point culminant de cette campagne et nous prévoyons de faire voyager cette exposition à travers l’Europe après l’élection. Demain, nous publierons la liste complète de tous les eurodéputé.e.s ayant participé à cette campagne, avec les liens qui pointent sur leurs contributions respectives.
Frantisek Zvardon et Eurojournalist(e) représentent les citoyens et citoyennes européens dans cette campagne
The campaign “Beautiful Europe. Vote on May 26!” has been a wonderful experience. More than 70 MEPs from 18 countries have contributed to this campaign which has been shared all over Europe. We tried to be as democratic as possible, including also politicians from the extreme right-wing into this campaign, such as Jörg Meuthen (AfD) or Hans-Olaf Henkel (former AfD) who was the only MEP to explain why people should NOT vote on May 26… President Tajani contributed as well as several vice-presidents, heads of the political groups and even the youngest MEP gave us reasons why people should vote on May 26. The exhibition of ALL contributions and a selection of the finest photographs by Frantisek Zvardon at the Open Day in the European Parliament on May 19 was the culminating point of this campaign, and we plan to have this exhibition travel across Europe after the election. Tomorrow, we will publish the complete list of all contributing MEPs, together with the links pointing on their contributions.
Frantisek Zvardon and Eurojournalist(e) represent the European citizens in this campaign
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