The support for the NCRI becomes broader and broader

After last week's conference in Paris, the NCRI (National Comitee of Resistance in Iran) held another conference on a “New Policy towards the Iranian Regime”.

After US Secretary of State Mike Pompei, former British prime minister Liz Truss expressed her support for the NCRI. Foto: private

(KL) – Last week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke at the NCRI Paris conference, this week-end, it was the turn of Liz Truss, former Prime Minister of Great Britain. Liz Truss gave a keynote speech expressing her support for the NCRI and Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of this organization which has presented a clear path towards a democratic change in Iran and the overthrow of the mollah regime which is a prerequisite for any substantial change in Iran. Given the broadening support for the NCRI both in Europe and the USA, hope grows that this support could be crucial when the mollah regime falls.

As Maryam Rajavi said at this second conference within just a few days, the worldwide growing support for the NCRI raises hope for millions of Irani people who suffer from the brutal mollah regime which imprisons, tortures and kills it’s opposition. It is obvious, especially after the fall of the Syrian regime, which had been a major blow to the mollahs in Iran, showing their weakness, that the Khamenei regime is about to collapse. It can currently only stay in power using threats and violence against the own population, but history shows that this is a clear sign that this regime is not stable anymore.

The protests against the mollah’s theocracy and the very bad economical situation of the Irani people can only be contained using the violence of the Revolutionary Guards, an organization which is internationally considered being a terrorist organization. But history shows that such regimes can not stay in power forever, as the Syrian example and the fall of the Assad regime shows once again.

Even Lebanon is about to reduce its contacts with the mollah regime – the first international visit of the newly elected president Joseph Aoun will bring him to Saudi-Arabia and not to Iran. Considering the struggle for influence in the Middle East between Saudi-Arabia and Iran, this is a clear sign that the mollah regime in Iran is losing more and more influence. It is obvious, as Maryam Rajavi says, that the current regime in Teheran has no future.

Both the European institutions and the United States of America must act now and cut all cooperation with this highly criminal regime. In this context, the solidarity address of former British prime minister Liz Truss was as important as the recent NCRI Paris conference, with the participation of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the “who is who” of the European politics.

But it won’t be sufficient to orally express solidarity with the NCRI which has proven to be the organization able to operate the democratic change in Iran. The 10-point-plan presented by Maryam Rajavi shows the path to bring Iran to democracy, the respect of Human and Female Rights, a peaceful role in the Middle East and social measures to end the unnecessary poverty of large parts of the Iran population.

Europe and the USA can play a major role to bring down the mollah regime which is not at all a factor of stability in the Middle East, but one of the main problems. The action triggered by the NCRI is encouraging, but now, words will not be enough to initiate the change. Both Europe and the USA have the power to isolate the mollah regime and this is what must be done. Now.

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