(KL) – Last week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke at the NCRI Paris conference, this week-end, it was the turn of Liz Truss, former Prime Minister of Great Britain. [...]
(Red / KL) – On Thursday, January 9, 2025, a conference, “Iran: Organized Resistance, Key to Overthrow,” reviewed the future US policy towards Iran, at the [...]
(Red) – With the current development of the situation in Syria, the situation in Iran needs also to be considered. At the Paris conference, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the [...]
(Brussels, Red) – In a landmark address at the European Parliament in Brussels, Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), [...]
(KL) – La scientifique franco-iranienne Fariba Adelkhah a heureusement retrouvé sa liberté en octobre dernier, après avoir passé environ quatre ans dans la plus [...]
(Red) – Auf einer internationalen Konferenz, die am Samstag, den 26. Oktober, in Berlin stattfand, forderten prominente deutsche Politiker und hochrangige ehemalige [...]
(Red) – In a rally outside the European Parliament in Strasbourg, hundreds of Iranians, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), urgently called [...]
(Fariba Adelkhah) – L’Iran est à mi-chemin entre deux grandes civilisations cinématographiques, celles de l’Égypte et de l’Inde. Or, point de feuilleton sans [...]
(KL) – Hektische Betriebsamkeit in Israel gestern, allerorten fanden Notfallübungen statt, für den Fall eines iranischen Vergeltungsschlags, den der religiöse Führer [...]
(KL) – L’organisation terroriste Hamas et le Hezbollah qui lui, est à la fois un parti politique et une milice paramilitaire, étaient pendant longtemps des [...]